Category Archives: Photographing Seasons

Knowing About Jesus vs. Knowing Jesus


I have been learning to know Jesus for about 15 years now. It seems to be a common misconception that knowing about Him = knowing Him. This is opposite of what Jesus tells us in His word. Studying the Bible, it becomes clear that He desires a relationship with us. A friendship is what He offers. How do we build relationships with friends? By spending time with them, asking questions, sharing your hearts. That is available to us. All of us.

It doesn’t matter what we have done or who we think we are. Our backgrounds is irrelevant. They do not impress Jesus. He just wants whatever we have to offer, even if it is broken, ugly, or miniscule. As the relationship grows, our faith strengthens. It is an amazing experience. Defining. He is waiting for you. Wooing you. Yesterday He wooed me to Him on a sleepy, painful morning. Color is a gift to me, and He knows it.

“So glad you are up Christa…come sit with me.”

Psalms 143:8

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift my soul.

I read Joanna Weaver’s words today in Having a Mary Heart In A Martha World. She shares, “Jesus goes out of his way to prepare my heart to listen and learn. He waits for the moment I’m most ready to obey. And while I can still refuse him at any time, his rebuke is gentle. It woos me at the same time it disarms me, making me willing and open and ready to change.”

He is calling us to stop learning about him and start relating to Him. Today. It is the best investment of time we can make. The world will demand we do its tasks, but the quiet moments are where we build up our spiritual muscles. We relax, with our friend Jesus, and learn that our worship meets his wooing. In that connection, dynamic living is sparked.

When The Heart Rain Comes- Psalm 41:4


Psalm 41:4

I said, “God, be gracious!

Put me back together again—my sins have torn me to pieces.”

You know those days when your smiles are hollow? When emotional rain feels heavy, it does not refresh. My actions this week have been inconsistent with my words. I demand respect, but don’t give it. I angle for the best for myself, while teaching generosity. My moods are edgy and easy to inflame, as I teach my teens to be peaceful.   Of course my actions teach far more than my words do. And, those close to me see it too well.

The good news is that God IS gracious. I reached out and asked for prayer today. Tonight I will carve a private place alone with God. No distractions. Because, for me? Those distractions lead to sin. Want to know what is funny about this? I used to be one of those who claimed I didn’t need a “savior”, I was a good person. Not a sinner. Once your eyes are opened, they stay that way. And for this, I am thankful. For on this training ground, my spirit has groaned, laughed, learned.

God hears me. He hears you. He is in the business of putting people back  together, molding them into something purer…more beautiful. I gladly embrace the cracks that he will bind so that a light that shines beautiful mosaic patterns into the darkness. Into that light I trust He will bring those whose cracks are similar, but wider perhaps. That His light in me may shine brighter to them. That is my hope. My trust. My assurance.

Simple Photo Tip For Spring Flowers


Here is tip #2…when photographing outdoor nature shots, experiment with the background. These pictures were taken on the same shoot. The above shot is set in flower mode, to slightly blur the background.

This one was shot in standard mode, but I moved low enough on the ground to capture the blue sky behind the daffodil.  With flowers, it is always worth trying to capture the sky when it is bright outside. Remember…these are all with a simple point and shoot. Most cameras can provide interesting shots when set up well.



Capture The Essence Of Summer On Film


A few years ago I started capturing “things” on film. They seem like not much to look at perhaps, but they will be. Right now I am sitting at my desk with the window opened. I hear the breeze and birds singing, the warmth of the summer humidity hints it is about time to close up, but for now I relish this moment. It may be hard to put those things in pictures, but there is so much you can see when you look purposefully, that can come together in a way that reminds you of this season. Here is an example, I once did a page all about the color green. The pictures alone seemed random, but together it works!

Some ideas you can start with? Fresh fruit and vegetables, kids playing in water, birds, close ups of nature, stack of summer reading books, watering can, bare feet, people napping, clouds and sunlight, doing yardwork, gardens—whatever it is that makes you smile will be a memory worth capturing. Pictures are wonderful mental vehicles. Here are a few that make me smile…