Visual Latin Review and Coupon Code!


I was unconvinced that Latin would be necessary for my kids to learn, until I saw a sample of Dwane Thomas’ teaching. I liked it so much (it made me laugh!) that I asked if I might review it for them, and they generously agreed-even giving you a coupon codeVisual Latin just plain rocks. Yep, who knew Latin could be funny?  Let’s get the details out here and I will tell you why I think it is worth a try for your family too. Here is the product information from their website

Visual Latin | 3 DVDs

Product Description

These 3 DVDs include everything you need for Latin 1. (Each of the 3 videos are less than 10 minutes each, so you get between 15-25 minutes of video per lesson.)

WORKSHEETS: Includes PDF worksheets and lessons as files accessible on the DVD or via the internet.

Part of the hesitation with Latin, is the boredom factor. This truly is unlike any other program you might have seen. The day before we started school this year, my kids both were decidedly UNexcited to do Latin. After the first video, it is suddenly the class they can’t wait to do! The teacher is down to earth, funny, and delightfully imperfect in his delivery.

Don’t let that fool you into thinking it is not a serious course. It is. The people at Compass Cinema are focused on making you successful. Their website is clear in defining how to extend this into a high school credit course, the PDF’s are easy to find and print out, and there is personal support with this company. They answered my emails and questions quickly.

You can either buy the DVD’s or download the lessons to your Ipod. They even give the option of dowloading just sections of the lessons if that is more cost effective to break it down. There is a Visual Latin II that we’ll continue with next year. I do hope you won’t be intimidated by Latin, because with a course like this available the drudgery is taken out, and the excitement for learning is put in. Did I mention the videos are funny? Just making sure…

The folks at Visual Latin have agreed to give you a coupon code for 1o% off the purchase for the next three days. Use CHRISTA10


2 responses »

  1. Very cool! Thanks Christa! I’ve been eyeing this for a while now–you sold me. I figure that even if the kids don’t groove on it, then I will learn something new! (I’ve always wanted to learn Latin.) Blessings friend! Rebeca

  2. Pingback: Review: Christa Sterken

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